Post-operation Care
- Hospital / Ward stay
- Home
Dr Keith Goh
Hospital / Ward stay
- Day 1: Intensive Care Unit; High-dependency Unit – Close monitoring; IV medications; Blood tests; Blood transfusion
- Day 2-7: General ward; Medication; Wound care; Physiotherapy
Day 7-14 At Home
- Rest
- Medication
- Light physical activities only
- No heavy lifting; Wound care
- Observe for fever, headaches, seizures, wound complications
Home Care - Scalp Head Incisions and Wounds
- Shower
- Simple hair wash
- Apply antibiotic cream
- Contact doctor if fever, redness, swelling, fluid discharge
Home Care - Spine / Neck / Back Incisions and Wounds:
- Keep covered with water-proof dressing (for 14 days)
- Contact doctor if fever, pain, redness, swelling, fluid discharge
Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre,
#09-10, 3 Mount Elizabeth
Singapore 228510
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